General Assembly, 27 April 2011

CAL 208 April 27, 2011


1. Patick Alzona (Chairperson)
2. Apple Davalos (Councilor)
3. Mykie Pastor (Councilor)
4. Maan Brillantes (DEL Representative)
5. Vinci Beltran (DSCTA Representative)
6. Sam Luz (DAS Representative)
7. Arlo Mendoza (DFPP Representative)
8. Rafael Roque (Councilor)

1. Mikee Rodriguez
2. Michael Non

I. Immediate concerns:
a) Freshman Orientation Program
b) Courtesy Call with Dean Mirano
b.1) tentative list of concerns/issues raised with the studentry
b.2) presentation of the CAL situationer
c) Council Sem Planning

II. Student Council Projects:
a) School tour updates/troubleshoot
b) Set date for the amendments/revision of the CALSC constitution

III. Other Matters:
a) CAL SC office clean up
b) May 1 Labor day mobilization
b.1) 29 build up action

b.2) OTO, RTR, KSUP Activity
c) Financial Matters
d) Kalatas

(Click on the title to read more)

  1. Immediate Concerns
    1. Freshman Orientation Program
           i.OVCSA Meeting  (Orientation date: May 3-7 2011 at Econ)
  1. Secure a copy of all enrolled CAL Freshmen (within the week.)
  2. Fliers containing information regarding the organizations CAL.
    1. This will include a statement from the CALSC ex. CAL Situationer (To be accomplished by the EDRES Committee).
    2. The fliers from the organizations will be supplied by the respective organizations (to be contacted by the department representatives.).
    3. Compile contact details of all freshmen attending the orientation.
    4. CALSC Assembly time is at 10:30
    5. Materials essential for the orientation will be provided by the OVCSA.
(Councilor Davalos left at 6:26)
  1. Courtesy call with Dean Mirano
  i.      To be held on the 2nd week of May. (Councilor Davalos returned at 6:28)
  ii.      A list of topics to be raised will be prepared by the Council (to be secured by the department representatives *Deadline on May 8, 2011).
  1. GPOA and SPOA will be reviewed to produce a comprehensive list of tasks and concerns for the Courtesy Call.
  2. Semplanning
     i.      Tentative Date: May 14-15, 2011
     ii.      Venue:  Contact Vice Chair regarding Antipolo Venue
     iii.      CALSC Constitution review and revision will be taken up during the Semplanning.
     iv.      Chairperson Alzona will upload the agenda for the semplanning.
  1. Student Council Projects
    1. School Tour
 i.  Target Schools
  1. ADMU
  2. La Salle Green Hills
  3. Miriam College
  4. School of the Holy Spirit
  5. Poveda
  6. Assumption Antipolo
  7. Quezon City Science HS
  8. St. Mary’s
  9. Lourdes School
  10. Marist
  11. Phil. High School for the Arts
  12. Batangas HS
  13. UPIS
  14. Diliman Prep.
 ii. Committees
  1. Rep. Brillantes as overall head.
  2. Councilor Pastor will be added to the logistics comm
  3. Rep. Luz will be added to the program comm (house divided. General consensus.)
 iii. Logistic Concerns
  1. Councilor Roque will upload the letter which will be used as invites for the departments (to be taken care of by the department representatives).

  1. Other Matters
    1. Office clean-up
      i. Tentative date: Before June and after semplan.
  1. May 1 mobilization
    i. CALSC supports the May 1 mobilization.
  1. Online information dissemination.
  2. Participation in the May 1 mobilization.
    1. Apr 29 build-up action
    i. CALSC RTR and OTO for the Apr 29 build up activity and May 1 mobilization.
  1. Financial Matters
    1. Councilor Davalos will produce a financial report and an inquiry on the student fund. (Rep. Beltran left at 7:04)
    2. Kalatas
      1. Members still needed to fill the empty positions.
      i. Interview for applicants on May 13, 2011
  1. Photographer Issue
  i.  Contention with the bidding. The losing bidder approached the admin requesting to be designated as the official photographer. The issue regarding the photographers will be raised during the dialogue with dean. As a resolution, Kalatas will be stricter in terms of work.
  1. USC Community Fair
    1. LCC Meeting on Thursday. 5:30 USC Office.

Next General Assembly: May 5, 2011 5:00 pm CAL 208