General Assembly, 05 May 2011

CNB Room 208

Started: 4:25pm

1)      Councilor Rafael Roque
2)      Councilor Eds Gabral
3)      Councilor Apple Davalos
4)      Councilor Mina Deocareza
5)      DECL Representative JJ Javier
6)      Chairperson Patrick Alzona
7)      DEL Representative Maan Brillantes
8)      DFPP Representative Arlo Mendoza

1)      Micah Magaro
2)      Pau Jumawan
3)      Mikee Rodriguez

I.                    Courtesy Call with Dean Elena Mirano, 2011 May 06
a.       CAL Situationer
i.                     Per Departments Situation Reports
ii.                   Finance
iii.                  CAL Organizations
b.      Projects
i.                     Schoolture
ii.                   Freshmen Welcome Assembly
iii.                  General Plan of Action & Specific Plan of Action (GPOA & SPOA)
c.       Kalasag
d.      Kalatas
II.                  Other Matters
a.       Late Freshmen Orientation Program (May 06-07, 2011)
b.      CAL 208 Beautification
c.       Student Council Sem Planning (May 14-15, 2011)
d.      Educational Discussions
e.      Gender Sensitivity Training
f.        Code of Student Conduct
g.       All-Leaders Congress
I.                    CAL Situation
i.                     Students C & D
ii.                   Over-all situation
iii.                  General Course of Action
b.      Constitution Revision
i.                     Admin Support for the Constitution Revision
ii.                   Student Fund increase proposal
c.       CAL Organizations
i.                     Tambayan
ii.                   Facilities
-          Lights
-          venue
iii.                  Revival of CAL Based Organizations: Pro-Gay LesBond (?), Theater Council
iv.                 Dean endorsement and scholarships from OICA for performing

* 5:06pm Patrick Alzona, Maan Brillantes and Mikee Rodriguez attended the meeting.
                       d.     Code of Student Conduct of 2010
                                i.              Still under review
                                 ii.            Effect on CAL
iii.                  The council wants to know the Dean’s stand on Student Code.
iv.                 Local Code ad Rules

II.                  Finance c/o Councilor Apple Davalos
a.                   Budget Inquiry: how much money is deduct from the tuition fee and how much is given to the Student Council fund.
b.                  Monetary Support:
                                                            A.      Projects: GPOA&SPOA, CAL 208 SC Office, Freshmen Welcome Assemby, School Tour
                                                            B.      Facilities
                                                            C.      Budget Proposal, tell the Dean first.

III.                Overall Situation
a.       Summary c/o Councilor Raf Roque

*5:15pm Micah Magaro & Pau Jumawan went home.


I.                    Courtesy Call with Dean Elena Mirano on May 06, 2011
                                                            A.      CAL Situationer
i.                    Department Representative Reports c/o Department Representatives
-          Bring a hard copy of the CAL sit tomorrow (May 06, 2011) by 10am
-          (Refer to the Agenda for May 06, 2011)
ii.                  Finance c/o Apple Davalos
-          Technicalities: It is difficult to use the Student Council Fund if it is a ‘trust fund’ account.
-          (Refer to the Agenda for May 06, 2011

iii.                CAL Organizations
-              Tambayan:
- Facilities: Lights, Venue
-              Revival of CAL Based Organizations: Pro-Gay LesBond (?), Theater Council
-              Dean endorsement and scholarships from OICA for performing
                                                            B.      Projects:
i.                    School Tour
-          AdHoc Committee:
Logistic c/o Councilor Raf Roque
Program c/o Vinci Beltran
Publicity c/o Eds Gabral (point person for the targeted schools)
ii.                  Freshmen Welcome Assembly (June 14, 2011)
-          CAL SC’s Proposal: Performances , FreshieKit, Program, AVP
-          To be hosted by the student council.
-          Block system: CAL SC will determine the dissemination of freshmen that will be handled by the organizations.
-    AVP from CAL organizations, 2-3minutes; will be shown at the start of the program.

*5:25pm Mikee Rodriguez went out
*5:33pm Mikee Rodriguez went in.
                                                    iii.                       GPOA & SPOA
-  Review of council plans.
-  Proposals for the Dean.
C.  Kalasag:
i.         Admin support for the examinees: editor-in-chief and staff team
ii.       Student Fund increase of P10.00 for the publication.
*5:38pm Maan Brillantes went out.
*5:46pm Patrick Alzona went out.
*5:48pm Patrick Alzona and Maan Brillantes went in.

D.  Kalatas
i. Courtesy of Councilor Mykie Pastor to raise points regarding Kalatas tomorrow.
*5:50pm Councilor Arlo Mendoza attended the GA
II.                  Other Matters
A. Freshmen Orientation: May 6, 2011 and Saturday May 07, 2011
 - May 6, 2011 10:00am (Councilor Eds Gabral & Representative Maan Brillantes)
- May 7, 2011 07:00am (Councilor Raf Roque, Representative Julia Javier & Councilor Apple Davalos)
B.  CAL 208 Beautification
- Clean-up before the new school year starts.
C. Student Council Sem Planning
- Council Evaluation
- Educational Discussion for half-day c/o Mikee Rodriguez.
- Planning for the first semester 2011-2012
- Parliamentary Procedure training
- Team Building
D. Educational Discussion
               - Office of the Student Regent, May 08, 2011 about the Utopian vs. Scientific Socialism
-  MKLRP, May 10, 5pm onwards, KNL.
     - Meet up at Vinzons Hall
     - Will attend Representatives JJ Javier and Arlo Mendoza
* Councilor Eds Gabral preceded the meeting.
E. Gender Sensitivity Forum
- May 16 & 17, May 19&20
- One representative per organization and per student council
- UP Ugnayan ng Manunulat (UGAT) is the only organization that cannot bring a representative.
        F. Code of Student Conduct
                - We are part of the review committee
- Our stand is to completely junk the student code.
- the targeted deadline for the promulgation of the student code is on July, 2011
- review committee will have a meeting next week with Chairperson Patrick Alzona and Raf Roque
- the Student Council Secretariat Committee will stand as the Review Committee’s Secretariat.

*6:16pm Councilor Raf Roque went home
       G. All-Leaders Congress
                - Care of Chairperson Patrick Alzona
- Agenda: Code of Student Conduct
- May 10, 2011, 1pm at CAL 208

Ended: 6:23pm