General Assembly, 27 April 2011

CAL 208 April 27, 2011


1. Patick Alzona (Chairperson)
2. Apple Davalos (Councilor)
3. Mykie Pastor (Councilor)
4. Maan Brillantes (DEL Representative)
5. Vinci Beltran (DSCTA Representative)
6. Sam Luz (DAS Representative)
7. Arlo Mendoza (DFPP Representative)
8. Rafael Roque (Councilor)

General Assembly, 11 April 11 2011

Patrick Alzona - Chairperson
Raf Roque - Councilor
Apple Davalos - Councilor
Mykie Pastor - Councilor
Vinci Beltran - DSCTA Representative
Arlo Mendoza - DFPP Representative
JJ Javier - DECL Representative


I. Laying out plans
                - School Tour
                - Freshie Orientation and Freshie Night 
                - CALSC office beautification
II. Setting of Semplanning

III. Educational Discusion (Araling Aktibista + Kasama sa UP Educational Discussion)
IV. Oil Price Hike and Workers Forum w/ Kasama sa UP
V.Other Matters

                -Financial Matters
                -Exposure Trip
                -Parliamentary Procedures Training

ASSESSMENT of KSUP and GASC to be set on some other schedule and ensuring that every delegate who attended is present.
(Click on the title to read more)